The Beauty of a Custom Cut Glass Table Top

Mark BalabanAll Blogs, Glass Products

Though some furniture choices are just trends that come and go, glass tabletops are always in style, offering a sleek elegance to the room. But do you know what goes into making a custom cut glass table top? A custom glass company like NJ’s ShowerMan is staffed with master glass crafters with the expertise in custom glass cutting, beveling, mitering, polishing and tempering glass. So, when you’re looking to add this timeless piece to your collection, they can tell you all you need to know. Here are some fun facts and recommendations to get you started.

Custom Glass Cutting is an Art

The glass business is art and craft. A custom glass company can produce variety of glass pieces but few can successfully deliver custom glass cutting expertly designed and crafted to meet your needs. It takes experience, dedication and great service delivery to bring ideas to life in glass. Machinery and equipment is involved in custom glass cutting, but to create a true piece of beauty, it’s also hand made. That automated equipment is nothing compared to the care and the passion of a craftsman polishing and grounding smooth their piece of art by hand.

A custom cut glass table top is functional and beautiful

Glass table tops not only enhances your table, it protects your tables from spills, scratches, dents and damage, kids’ homework, games and messes. Glass for table top protection is the best way to protect a table and still enjoy the beauty of the furniture.

A custom glass company like ShowerMan, will add that touch of elegance to be sure it fits perfectly.

Possible uses for glass table tops

  • Make your room look uncluttered and spacious
  • Glass for tabletop protection from scratches, nicks and other damage
  • Create a shape to fill an unusual space in room
  • Used in offices and conference rooms for a professional, polished look
  • A way to add shine to anything dull
  • Refresh aging pieces instead of paint or stain
  • Add the perfect touch to a nightstand or end table
  • Renew a variety of older tables that are vulnerable to damage or weathering.
  • A glass table top protector preserves what you have rather than buying something new.

Why choose a custom glass company?

A custom glass company makes a template of your table, cutting the glass with precision and accuracy. They use a special paper for pattern purposes and make a rubbing of the table. (Think of it like rubbing foil over a coin until you see the shape and picture.) They then take the glass and lay it over the pattern. Since glass is see-through the custom glass cutters can match the shape of the table precisely. Finally, with polishing equipment and their own hands, they are able to grind and polish the glass to make all the edges smooth. And also, a professional company will take that extra step and miter your glass where many will just square the glass. It’s hard to match that kind of care and quality.